Monday, June 8, 2009

Ashley & Daniel | Engagement

Over the winter I took photos of the ultra-fabulous Ashley. It was the second time working with her and we had such a blast! We laughed and chatted more than we took photos. At the end of the shoot we talked about how she had just recently become engaged and we talked about the possibility of me photographing her engagement session and her wedding. We decided to do a trial run together and do an engagement session this summer and if her and Daniel liked the photos then I would probably end up being the wedding photographer.

A week ago we got together for the exciting engagement session. We went to an apple orchard in the valley called Boates U-Pick. The sun was shining, there were still some apple blossoms on the trees, everything was perfect. I had so much fun photographing Ashley and Daniel. Ashley always has lots of ideas for pictures so we normally just bounce off each other like energizer bunnies. And we made sure it was quick and painless for Daniel. Hahahaha.

Here are the photos, enjoy :)


  1. OMG, these photos are stunning!
    So crisp and clear and so beautiful!
    Ashley and Daniel look gorgeous together :D love it

  2. Oi. Parabéns por seu excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre nossa luta contra o comunismo aqui no Brasil. Abração
